3 Yoga Poses for Lung Health

3 Yoga Poses for Lung Health 

Many know how beneficial yoga is to well-being, living a healthy lifestyle and feeling like their best  version. However, yoga benefits do not exclude lung health. 

Lungs are sort of important since they and the respiratory system allow individuals to breathe. With lungs  playing a crucial role in lives, they must be in the healthiest form. Here are five yoga poses you can do to  ensure proper lung health. 

1. Camel Pose 

Sounds familiar? Perhaps you’ve already been in Camel pose before. This pose is excellent for lung  health! 


Camel pose strengthens your back muscles and stretches your abdomen and the front of your hips. 

How to Modify 

While you are in this pose, be sure to keep your thighs upright. If you can’t reach your heels, modify them  by using a yoga block on either side of your feet. 

Don’t Do this if... 

Do not practice this pose if you have had an injury or chronic pain with your shoulders, knees, neck, or  back. Don’t force anything; let time and flexibility help you advance with this pose. 

2. Bow Pose

You’ve guessed it: this pose takes the shape of a bow. Like Camel Pose, Bow Pose is a wonderful pose to  practice to increase your lung health. 


Some benefits include a healthier digestive system. In addition, the front of your body, shoulders, and  spine will feel so much better, primarily if you work sitting down most days. This posture can relieve  back pain and stretches the front of your hips, the front of your thighs, and your chest. 

How to Modify 

You need some flexibility for this pose, so it is ideal for an intermediate yogi. However, you may place a  towel underneath your thigh to modify this pose. You can also utilize yoga straps for this pose. Lastly,  you can try Half Bow. This allows you to stretch one side at a time. 

Don’t Do This If... 

Do not practice this pose if you have pre-existing back pain, this pose causes you back pain, or you are  pregnant. Also, if you have had any recent surgery, high blood pressure, or hernia, avoid this pose or  consult your doctor first. 

3. Wheel Pose 

Lastly but not least, give wheel pose a try. Like Camel Pose and Bow Pose, this pose also benefits lung  health. 


This pose is excellent for stimulating breath, chest opening, shoulder opening, and spinal flexibility.  Some emotional benefits include igniting all seven chakras while energizing you physically and mentally. 

How to Modify

To modify, try making your hands wider to give you more space to straighten your arms. Another option  is to recruit a partner, use a strap or two blocks and place them against the wall. 

Don’t Do This If... 

Don’t practice this pose if you have had/have an injury or chronic pain with your wrist, neck, back,  shoulders, and knees. Like any other pose, don’t force yourself into this pose. Bend back as far as your  body allows you to, don’t overdo it. 

Lung health is essential to life overall. Treat your lungs better by practicing yoga poses that benefit them.  Although only three poses are mentioned in this blog, do your research and find out what other poses will  help your lungs.


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