My favorite cheesy yoga joke
Photo by Monica Felix @
Two yogis walked into a bar.
The third one used it to deepen their practice.
If you didn’t laugh at that, you’re probably not obsessed with yoga.
Because that’s how we oxygen junkies think.
It’s all part of the practice. Everything is grist for the yoga mill. Even the distractions and annoyance and injuries. They deepen us.
Of course, this mindset isn’t limited to yoga. Patchett’s popular essay on how and why she became a novelist takes a parallel approach to the creative process. She said:
“I am a compost heap, and everything I interact with, every experience I’ve had, gets shoveled onto the heap where it eventually mulches down, is digested and excreted by worms, and rots. And it’s from that rich, dark humus, the combination of what you encountered, what you know and what you’ve forgotten, that ideas start to grow. “
Lesson learned, whether you’re doing postures, writing books or any other kind of consistent work, makes yourself entirely open and vulnerable to every shred of stimuli that crosses your path.
Because everything deepens your practice. Everything.
Don’t raise the bar, be raised by it.
Are you practicing what you preach, or preaching what you practice?