Intensify the energetic flow between you

Photo by Monica Felix @

One of our yoga instructors used to be a minister.

She often brings insights from the faith world into the yoga world. And so, going to her class is like going to church.

During a recent weekend session, she made the following observation:

We touch the most high when we reach to our side.

Meaning, if we want to connect with something bigger than us, we must connect with the person beside us. Maybe physically, by offering a high five or a smile between postures. Or maybe emotionally, by dedicating a certain pose to someone we love that’s in pain pain.

But either way, if we are to reach the most high, it’s awfully hard to do so alone.

It reminds me of the popular scripture, for where two or three are gathered in my name, the divine is among them. It’s a powerful concept, whether we’re believers or not, and whether we’re yogis or not. And it’s proof that true community is a matter of defining ourselves in relation to others. Only through our shared humanity that we truly have a chance at real magic.

That’s why our yoga studio feels like a congregation to me. Because it’s a gathering of souls. An assembly of members. A collection of practitioners who flock together.

Remember, we’re never alone in the world unless we want to be.

If we are lonely, it’s because we are not letting other people in.

When was the last time you looked around, felt your loneliness had lifted, and knew you belonged?


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