5 Things Yoga Can’t Do for You.
Everyone has these unrealistic beliefs about what yoga can do for them. As fascinating as some of these beliefs and assumptions are, many are invalid.
To prevent you and your expectations of yoga from failing you, do yourself a favor and don’t believe everything you hear and see. If you do, you may quit too soon or feel discouraged; we don’t want that. So, here are five things yoga can’t do for you.

5 Signs it’s Time for a Yoga Retreat
You are a hard worker. You are an achiever. You make mistakes. You learn. You overcome challenges. You take life by the horns. You are an incredible human being. However, life has moments where you must step back and retreat.

4 Therapeutic Benefits of Yoga
How often do you consider the therapeutic part of life? Like, really think of it? We can all agree that something therapeutic is extremely important, so many may pay for massages, therapy, spa treatments, and more. But what if you can do a practice that leaves you with those same therapeutic perks? What practice is that? Yoga!

7 Ways Yoga is Good for Your Mental Health
You must take your mental health seriously regardless of age, race, or background. Having excellent mental health is what makes us great to be around. It's what gets us through our day. It's what gets us to our goal—it's how we function. Without good mental health, life may be more challenging than it needs to be, and life wouldn't be as enjoyable.