At Least 5 Things You Didn’t Know About Your Yoga Instructor, Monica! 

At Least 5 Things You Didn’t Know About Your Yoga Instructor, Monica! 

Last week, you got to know your yoga instructor, Alex, better than before. What are some things you learned about her? What are some things you didn’t know about her? This week, we will get to know your yoga instructor Monica more than before. There will be at least five things you didn’t know about her that you will know now.  

What is your go-to pose and why? What are some of the benefits of the pose you have chosen? 

I don’t have a go-to pose per se but I will say I really appreciate a good backbend, whether it be standing, balancing on one leg, or on the floor. Once understood, done properly and in confidence it can be a vulnerable and powerful place of revelations. 

If you had to stay in a yoga pose for 24 hours, which one would it be? 

None, yoga postures need rest time so that the body can replenish and receive the benefit. 

What was yoga like for you in the beginning? 

It was an oasis of warmth and challenge in the cold weather of NYC. Coming from Puerto Rico,  it was important to have, it still is. 

What would you advise new yogis?

Hydrate before class, not during. Listen to your body, not your ego. Always bring the challenges  and learnings of the practice to your breath. 

Do you have a favorite yogi/guru that inspires you? If so, who and why? 

I have teachers I admire, study with, and reference in my classes. Some of them are part of our Yoga Tribe teachers, some are in New York and some are from other places like Austin, San  Juan, Mexico City, and Barcelona. I do, however, try to live by the “kill your idols” mentality and encourage self-awareness, breath consciousness, and confidence by going within for wisdom. We are our own best teachers. 

If you got to go on a funded yoga retreat for one week and bring one person/pet, where would you retreat to and who would you bring? 

Somewhere new by the sea, warm, kind. I’d preferably go alone. 

If yoga manifested into a person, fell head-over-heels for you, and even proposed to you, would you marry them/date them or friend-zone them? Why? 

I think that to live in the western world, in a fast-paced city it is important to have yoga as a  practice that brings balance to life. 

How has your practice/teaching changed in the last 2 years? 

My practice has expanded to finding space to do it at home as well in the last 2 years.

Similar to Alex, I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to know Monica better. We all are a part of a beautiful yoga community and with that comes a sense of belonging and our very own uniqueness. Isn’t it crazy how both Alex and Monica received the same interview questions; however, their answers differed? What’s so great about YTB is that everyone belongs! You. Belong. Want to take a class, Monica? See the YTB Schedule.


8 Yoga Poses that Will Help You With Back Pain


At Least 5 Things You Didn’t Know About Your Yoga Instructor, Alex!