8 Yoga Poses that Will Help You With Back Pain

8 Yoga Poses that Will Help You With Back Pain 

No matter your age, back pain is a reality for many of us. Whether you slept wrong or your posture at your job causes your back to ache. Yoga can help with that. Unfortunately, back pain causes discomfort. As a result, it can upset your day and take your focus away from those that matter most to us. It can even lead to more health issues along the way. Here is how yoga can help and these are the poses that can help with your back pain. 

Numerous research has shown that yoga alleviates back pain and may even help reduce the need for medication. Of course, it’s always good to consult with a doctor, especially if you have severe back pain. Without further to do, what are these poses I speak of that help with back pain and strengthen your back too? 

Triangle Pose: This pose is a standing asana, and like all poses mentioned in this blog, you can do them anywhere at any time. This pose aids in back pains and strengthens the knee, thigh, and ankle. 

Cat and Cow Pose: This breath-synchronized pose is done on the hands and knees. This simple pose improves blood circulation, powers up your brain, improves your focus, and more. This pose aids in back pain too and is very calming. 

Downward-facing Dog: This pose is a hand-and-feet asana that strengthens the arms and legs. It stretches the shoulders, hands, hamstrings, calves, and more. Naturally, this pose is done during a 

flow; however, if your back is aching and you need to aid it, a downward-facing dog pose is great to do as well. 

Upward Facing Dog: This pose not only relieves back pain but opens your chest, strengthens your back muscles, lengthens the spine, tones your arms muscles, and much more. It’s great to incorporate during a morning vinyasa flow. 

Sphinx Pose: This pose is gentle on the lower back and is also considered a heart-opening pose.  It’s great for stretching your shoulders, abdomen, lugs, and thorax. 

Bridge Pose: This pose is supported by your shoulders and is an inverted backbend. This specific pose stretches your neck, vertebral column, and thorax. This pose is best for strengthening your back too. 

Child’s Pose: This pose is done in different variations. Whichever you choose, it’s restorative and will help with back pain. This also stretches your hip, thighs, and ankles. 

Pigeon Pose: This is a hip-opening pose that stretches the hips and lower back. If your lower back is achy, this pose will help with that.

Back pain is the worst and should be taken very seriously. All nine poses are here, especially in between your classes at YTB. Always consult with your doctor, especially if your back pain intensifies. Even if you don’t have back pain, these poses have many benefits. Until next time, I can’t wait to see you at YTB.


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