3 Unique Ways Yoga Will Improve Your Mental Health

3 Unique Ways Yoga Will Improve Your Mental Health

It’s no argument that good mental health is something we should all aim for. But, when you think of good mental health practices and habits, what exactly do you think of? Therapy?  Meditation? Talking with a friend or family member about what goes wrong in life?  

What if I told you yoga will uniquely improve your mental health? That’s right, yoga will improve your mental health! You are probably wondering how? Yoga can help with numerous things, but the mind? No way! 

Your Brain Will Release Good Brain Chemicals 

Wait! What? Don’t worry, I’ll explain what I mean by that. Close your eyes and remember a  time you were happy. You more than likely felt warmth, joy, and ease, right? Your brain released good chemicals and as a result, you felt warmth, joy, and ease! 

When you practice yoga, the brain releases these same good chemicals throughout the body. As a  result, your stress levels lower, you may feel at ease and set forth to have good intentions with your day and evening. 

It is shown that over time, these same chemicals that are being released will help lower your flight, freight, and freeze response too. While you continue to practice yoga, you feel discomfort in certain poses. At first, you wonder how long until you get out of the pose. But, over time, you learn to sit with the discomfort and breathe through it. You understand that this discomfort is not going to be there forever. Over time, your brain will learn to breathe through the times of challenge and discomfort just like it does when you practice yoga.  

Improves Sleep  

Studies have shown that yoga improves sleep. Whether you are a light sleeper or have a limited time to sleep, yoga will help. Studies have also repeatedly shown that yoga manages many insomnia cases. It positively affects the quality of your sleep too. 

Try a Yin yoga class, it’s a  terrific way to put your body in a calm state and release the day you had. So no matter when you go to sleep, your body will sleep with such ease because the tension has been released and the brain is at ease. A better night’s rest equals a happier, healthier mind.  

Increases a Sense of Control Over Life 

There comes a time when we, as humans, feel like things are out of control. Especially when things don’t go as expected. This can definitely cause extreme amounts of stress and even depression. When we get like this, it’s essential to be mindful and pay close attention to our bodies. 

Whether you do a ten-minute yoga practice or a 90-minute yoga practice throughout your productive week, the way you feel afterward is empowering.  

Studies show when you practice yoga, you increase awareness of the sensations throughout your body. You are more mindful throughout your day. Small things no longer anger you. You find yourself in a better mood. So many people want to be a part of something and with yoga, you are a part of something bigger than yourself. You grow this beautiful sense of control and interconnectedness in your mind. You grab life by its horns and take it one fabulous day at a  time. 

Mental health isn’t something we can fix overnight. However, doing yoga here and a little there can improve your mental health in so many ways, just like it did with so many other people.  Mental health should be taken very seriously, and it all begins with you and one mat. Whether you are new to yoga or not, yoga will improve your mental health in ways you could never have imagined.  


“The Benefits of Yoga: How It Boosts Your Mental Health.” Houston Methodist On Health,  https://www.houstonmethodist.org/blog/articles/2021/sep/the-benefits-of-yoga-how-it boosts-your-mental-health/.

Are you ready to see what an hour of yoga could do for you? Do you want to see what everyone is talking about? Click here to see how yoga will improve your mental health today.

We can’t wait to flow with you!


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