Yoga Tribe Brooklyn

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What is Rocket Yoga?

Rocket Yoga, also known as 'The Rocket', is a style of yoga developed by Larry Schultz in San Francisco during the 1980s. Rocket Yoga is based in the practice of Ashtanga Vinyasa. It is composed of poses from the Ashtanga series. Schultz's yoga was first called "Rocket Yoga" by Bob Weir of The Grateful Dead, because Weir said, "It gets you there faster."

Rocket Yoga is a dynamic and fast-paced flow of yoga. The structure is similar to that of Ashtanga Vinyasa, consisting of a warm-up (Surya Namaskar A + B), after which one continues in the standing poses, seated poses, and ending with the traditional closing series. Students are encouraged to make their own interpretation of the traditional asana and can remove or modify binding postures. This makes the sequence accessible to all practitioners, even those who may have structural disabilities who would otherwise not be able to practice traditional Ashtanga Yoga methods..

Rocket Yoga is a perfect balance of tempo and sequence. These routines are appropriate for all levels of students. With plenty of ways to modify the classical poses.