Yoga Tribe Brooklyn

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Stay Fit With Yoga

Stay Fit 

It’s the New Year and being fit looks different for everybody. That may look like getting up early to do some cardio at the gym. That may look like lifting weights or even jogging with a  dog. CAN YOGA GET YOU THE SAME RESULTS?  

88% of respondents who practiced yoga said that their physical health has improved in the UK.  BUT HOW? How can yoga poses like plank pose and boat pose get you results and keep you fit?  Before you shake your head and overlook yoga as a way to be fit, think again. 

It is proven that practicing yoga regularly will help you get fit and stay fit in many ways while improving your lifestyle too. It will also: 

-Develop Muscle Tone 

-Burn Fat  

-Build Flexibility 

Too good to be true, right?  

In the UK, the majority of respondents also said it had improved their mental health (86.2%),  improved their stress levels (82.6%), and their flexibility (91.6%). So using yoga to get fit and stay fit does more than mentally change you. It physically changes you too.  

Develop muscle tone 

Yoga will tone your body regardless of age, gender, or body type. Although you aren’t lifting weights, you are lifting your body weight in one way or another. You are putting your body in positions like Chair pose, Plank pose, and Warrior Three pose, and possess like these activate  

your muscles while practicing mindfulness. Staying in posses like these will build your strength and as a result, your body will tone. 77% of yogis report being physically stronger after doing yoga. Classes like YTB Core classes will get you there. 

Burn Fat  

Yoga is a healthy and holistic way to burn fat. Yes, eating healthily and staying consistent in your yoga practice is encouraged if you want fast results; however, it can be done. Poses like  Plank pose, Boat pose, Bow pose will burn fat in your body. Pick at least three days where you can commit to a practice, then decide if you’d like to stream your class or go to the physical location. Commit to your practice, and before you know it, you’ll be fit. Classes like Hot Yoga will get you fit. 

Build Flexibility  

While you learn to stay present in your yoga poses, you will build flexibility over time. Dancers,  athletes, and people like you and me may have sought out yoga to be more flexible. More gentle forms of yoga, like Yin Yoga, will get you there. This includes poses like Low Lunge, Cat-Cow,  Head to Knee. 

Being fit looks different for everyone; however, the results are the same when doing yoga. Not only will your mind and body be in synch, but you’ll develop muscle tone, you'll burn fat, and you’ll be flexible.  

So, what are you waiting for? Stick to your New Year Resolution to be fit and sign up for your yoga classes today. You deserve to be you, look and feel like the best version of yourself.  

Click here to join our tribe. We can’t wait to be a part of your journey.